Do parents need to volunteer?
Many parents often ask about volunteering for swim team. Without the many parent volunteers, we could not run a swim meet. In fact, it takes over 50 parents to time, officiate and score a typical swim meet along with setup, snack bar help and cleaning up afterwards. It truly takes a village, which is why each family is required to volunteer their time during the swim season if your child is on the swim team (excludes Guppies). The specific volunteer requirements will be clarified closer to the swim season once we know how many families will be participating.
We have many positions that parents can choose from so don't feel "stuck" in one spot. Please do not be intimidated by signing up initially. Most jobs do not require any previous experience or training. Those jobs that do require training are indicated with an asterisk. Our officials coordinator will email those who are interested to direct you to training sessions.
What are the volunteer positions?
* Referee
The chief official for each swim meet. He/she is responsible for the conduct of the meets and is the final authority on the interpretation and enforcement of all swimming rules. Prior to the start of each race, the referee sounds four short whistles to advise the participants to get ready. After event is announced by the announcer or starter, the Referee sounds one long blast as a signal for swimmers to get into position for the start or to jump feet first into the water for a backstroke event. For Backstroke events, a second long blast is given to bring the swimmers to the wall for the start. When the referee sees that all the swimmers are ready, he extends his arm pointing towards the starter. At this point, the starter takes control. Assistant Referee or “Chief Judge” is also provided by the visiting team for B Meets. Requires NVSL training.
Responsible for ensuring that all swimmers are given a fair and equitable start. The Starter will instruct the swimmers to "Take your mark". After all swimmers are ready and still, the starter will start the race using a standard starting system. This system consists of a public address system, a horn, and a strobe light. Requires NVSL training.
*Stroke and Turn Judges
Responsible for ensuring that all swimmers obey all the rules for the stroke that they are swimming once the race has started. These people are always at each end of the pool for starts and finishes. If a Stroke and Turn Judge sees a violation of the rules, he/she raises his/her hand to signify that an infraction has occurred. A disqualification (DQ) is recorded on a DQ slip, which the referee reviews. The referee then approves and forwards copies to the Table workers and the Team Reps. Requires NVSL training.
Broadcast each event, the swimmers, and the results. The announcer, along with the referee, is responsible for keeping the meet moving in a steady fashion. Provided by the home team.
Chief Timer and Assistant Chief Timer
Collects the time cards from the timers, reviews them for accuracy and completeness, and forwards them to the table workers. Chief is provided by the hosting team; assistant provided by the visiting team. Gives command to “clear watches”, signals Referee that Timers are ready for next event and start 2 watches in case a lane timer’s watch fails to start.
Clerk of Course
Functions as the "gatekeeper" for all swimmers in our meets. The people who perform this function get the swimmers to the right lanes for the correct race. You can't run a race without swimmers and the clerk of the course makes sure the right swimmer gets to the right place at the right time. Two provided by hosting team with 2 provided by the visiting team. "8 and under" swimmers are walked to the start areas and their time cards are given to the Chief Timer.
Marshalls are stationed strategically around the pool deck and are responsible for crowd control, safety in and out of the pool and pool deck traffic during warm-ups and the meets. Provided by the hosting team and assistant provided by the visiting team.
Relay Touch/Take-Off Judges
During relays, there are four Relay Take-off Judges at each end of the pool (two per lane) provided by each team for a total of 8 at each meet. Their job is to ensure that each swimmer touches the wall before the next swimmer in the relay leaves the deck. Only needed for A Meets and Relay Carnivals. Usually is a timer during the individual events.
Snack Bar Volunteers
Volunteers work shifts between 4:30-9:00pm on Monday meets or 7:30am-12:00pm on Saturday meets. Concessions are sold by the hosting team. The number of volunteers depends on the type of meet. The first arrives early to help set up and the second breaks down the snack bar and cleans up. A snack bar coordinator will be present to provide direction, ensure proper handling of food and collect the money from the cash box.
Table Workers
The time cards from the timers and any DQ slips go to the Table Workers who determine the order of finish for each event, score the meet, and prepare ribbons for the participants. Three (3) people from each team perform these functions to ensure that errors are caught before the results are announced.
If you can start and stop a stopwatch, you can be a timer. We’ll even provide the stopwatch. Nine timers are provided by each team (3 Timers needed per lane for a total of 18).There are three timers per lane and all three times are recorded. Timers start their watches on the strobe light from the starting system and stop their watches when the swimmer touches the wall. The middle time is the official time and is recorded on a card provided. One timer will post the time on the time boards.
Swim Team Leadership
These volunteer positions have most to all of the work occurring outside of the meets.
Competitive Meet Representatives
Represents team to the NVSL. Attends NVSL (Saturday "A") meetings and is point of contact for Saturday meets. Attends monthly pool board meetings. Works closely with Data Coordinator and coaches recording swimmers' times and creating meet sheets.
Developmental Meet Representatives
Organizes and manages Developmental (Monday "B") Meets.
Data Coordinators
Responsible for entering all swimmer data into the software used in the NVSL, prints out the ribbon labels and produces an electronic report of the meet.
Meet Volunteer Coordinators
Organizes, assigns volunteers to positions for each swim meet, ensures each family meets their volunteer requirements, sends reminder emails to ensure volunteers are present at each meet.
Treasurer/Swim Team Membership
Keeps track of the team check book and has fiscal responsibility for the swim team. Works with the snack bar coordinator and spirit wear coordinator collecting money.
Officials Coordinator
Schedules the officials (e.g. referee, starter, stroke and turn judges) for each meet. Ensures that all volunteers for these positions have attended NVSL training.
Mini Mustang Parent Coordinator
Coordinates communication to parents of swimmers in our Mini Mustang Program. Represents Mini Mustang needs and concerns to Swim Team Leadership Committee. Organizes and manages the Lollipop Meet at the end of the swim season.
Social Chair
Organizes various swim team social events. Can find volunteers to be a part of a social committee to help support organization of events.
Snack Bar Coordinator
Manages concessions at each A and B home meet, to include purchases and organization of duties of assigned volunteers, prep and clean up.
Website Manager
Manages the swim team's website.
Fundraising Coordinator
Canvases local business to receive sponsorships, sells spirit gear and other items during meets, manages raffles and prizes during swim meets