My child would like to swim on the swim team. Does my child have to be a member of the pool?
Yes. He/she and at least one member in your household older than 18 years old must be members of the Pool. To become a member, visit the Mosby Woods Recreation Association (MWRA) website and complete a membership form.
Is there are separate fee to join swim team or is it included in the pool membership fee?
Yes. There is a separate fee to join the swim team. For 2024, the rates are: $175/child with a 4 child maximum of $700.
How many practices a week must my child attend?
The expectation is that they will practice at least 3 times per week. Morning practices are a less crowded because we have all lanes available for swim team use. To help with overcrowding, we ask that swimmers attend only one practice per day.
Does my son/daughter have to be chosen to swim in meets?
Your son/daughter may swim in as many Developmental "B" Meets as he/she would like. Coaches select swimmers for the Competitive “A” Meets based on times. The list of swimmers selected for Competitive Meets are posted by Thursday for the Saturday Meet. If your son/daughter is selected to swim in a Competitive Meet and cannot, they should notify their coach immediately.
What equipment does my son/daughter need to buy to swim on the team?
Swimmers are expected to purchase a Team Suit for meets. Team suits are available at the Team Suit Sale at the beginning of the season in June. You can also visit the vendors site to purchase team suits. Be sure to visit the vendor's store or attend our sizing day to identify the correct size for your swimmer . In addition, swimmers should purchase a couple of pairs of good quality goggles and a Team Swim Cap for Competitive "A" Meets. An appropriately sized one piece practice suit and a practice cap are also recommended. All swimmers are expected to wear swim caps for practices and meets. Team Caps are available at the Team Suit sale, practices, and meets. Good sources for practice suits, caps & goggles are: Suit Up in University Mall, Aardvark in Chantilly, and Sports Fair in Falls Church.
What is the volunteer commitment for parents of children on swim team?
It takes a lot of volunteers to run a swim meet. Generally, the expectation is that if your child is swimming in a meet, you will assist at that meet in some capacity. There are volunteer opportunities for all levels of experience. Click here for a list of volunteer position descriptions.
How well does my child have to swim to join the swim team?
Generally, the expectation is that your child can swim 12.5 meters (1/2 way across the pool) unassisted. In addition your child should be able to separate from you with minimal anxiety and be able to listen to and follow instructions.
What are Time Trials?
Time Trials is a mock meet with just our team held on the Saturday before the first Competitive Meet. Swimmers swim each of the four strokes for practice, experience and to establish a benchmark time for the season. It also serves as a practice run for all officials and volunteers before the first official meet of the season.